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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Currently...{April Edition + Plum Organics GIVEAWAY}

I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but I have writer's block...grr!!  It's almost like my head is so full with my never ending "to-do" list that I can't think of one particular topic to write about.  I had this nagging little voice in the back of mind telling me to just open my laptop and get to typing, but I couldn't figure out where to start.  So, I decided on my trusty "Currently" post that is always a winner in my book.  Enjoy!

LOVING:  All my new merchandise I found at Market and is IN TRANSIT as we speak! When I started Royal Feather Nicholas was only about 8 months old so most of my merchandise was targeted for the newborn age group.  As he grew up, so did my product selection.  I'm happy to announce that I'm going back and expanding my Newborn selection - yahoo!!  To start I am bringing in the wonderful and always awesome brand Puj! When Nick was a baby I used the Puj tub and was completely obsessed.  It was the best infant tub I found and would tell anyone willing to listen all about it.  I'm so happy to be carrying this wonderful product PLUS their new Hug {Hands Free Infant Hooded Bath Towel}.  Some more things to come will more than likely be some unique teethers and always useful Muslin swaddling nap blankets, and sippy cups. 

Lollacup (BPA-free, Phthalate-free, Made in the USA) & Puj tubs & Hug Towels will arrive at our shop this Friday! - April 5)

READING:  I was fortunate to have attended Blissdom, a blogging conference, in Dallas a few weeks ago.  It was my first {of many hopefully} time attending such an event and I really wasn't very sure what I was getting into.  One big relief was that I wasn't attending alone.  I met my friend Bianca from Up Up and Away Children's Events there and thank goodness for that! Being in one huge room with 700+ women attendees can be a little overwhelming and very difficult to not feel as if you don't fit it or aren't "as good" as the rest of the bloggers.  I'm really happy I was able to push past my insecurities and put myself out there and approach complete strangers.  That was a big step for me since I can be a little introverted at times but it was definitely worth it.  I was able to connect with and meet other Moms and real powerful women who share in all the same big dreams as I do.  Surrounded by that kind of inspiration and motivation was a really wonderful experience. With that said, I'm currently reading some great books written by some of the speakers at Blissdom.  They've been great reads & wonderful sources of motivation.  I feel like they're speaking directly to me!  I was bummed that I missed Scott Stratten on Friday but getting to listen to C.C. Chapman AND John Acuff on Saturday definitely made up for it. 

WATCHING:  Not much these days - thank you Mr. Time Change! Am I the only one who is hating the Spring Forward time change?! Our son even protested it for almost 3 weeks! What used to be the easiest bedtime routine EVER turned into a complete nightmare.  I had never heard Nicholas scream and cry so much just to go to bed.  Thank you Jesus that now has passed and my sweet baby boy is back to his old self: bath, allergy medicine, cup of milk, brush teeth, story time, and nighty night.  After that, I used to use that quiet time to catch up on TV but now I'm focusing on getting more rest/sleep myself.  Especially when my husband is working really late and it's just me and Nick.
THINKING ABOUT:  Knowing that I have quite a bit of giveaways coming up for all my lovely customers and fans is pretty exciting.  There is no better way to show my appreciation than to give back :)  More on that later... 

ANTICIPATING:  our family vacation! Later on this Fall, if all goes well, we'll be heading to Washington DC and Virginia.  I'm a little nervous since this will be Nicholas' first plane ride but having the opportunity to get away for a little bit and visit such a historic place will be worth it.  Any traveling tips are greatly appreciated and welcome!  

WISHING:  Of opening my own brick & mortar Royal Feather.  I love going to Market but at the same time I feel like I'm being held back.  There is so much that I find and want to bring in because 1) we don't have it available to us in our area and 2) the manufactures of these products aren't huge companies that simply mass produce everything.  Instead, they really care!  My last trip to Market a few weeks ago was great because my main goal was to attend a new temporary show.  All the vendors I met were so wonderfully sweet and most importantly, they were completely in love with and invested in their product.  And to me, that is what makes a product great - when you have a parent who has created such an item out of necessity and is so passionate about it that they feel the need to make it available to everyone. Little by little I'm working to get my shop to the next level.  Please feel free to share my link and tell all your friends about our awesome little spot on the web to help me get there! I'll be eternally grateful :)

MAKING ME HAPPY:  the time of the year.  I'm so happy that it's April and warmer weather is upon us.  I am a total beach lover and plan on making more of an effort to take Nick out to the beach - we do only live an hour away.  I also need to get him signed up for his swimming lessons and I'm even thinking of highlighting my hair or going ombre.  There's just something about Summertime that always makes me want to lighten my extremely dark hair.  But then I remember how annoying the maintenance can be and I change my mind.  We'll see what I decide.   

And now, what you've all been waiting Plum Organics GIVEAWAY!!  When Nicholas started eating solids, I made him all his first foods myself.  It was easy because I was a stay-at-home-Mom and Nick loved all the fresh fruits and veggies.  But once I needed to start integrating meats into his diet, I turned to the Plum Organics Training Meals because making the meats at home was just gross to me.  I just couldn't handle the smell and the texture was chalky.  There was no way I was going to feed that to my baby.  I felt comfortable feeding this brand of food to Nick because it is made with all natural and organic ingredients and the ingredient list isn't compromised of anything that I couldn't pronounce.  As he got older, we tried all their Tots and Kids snack options and all of them were a hit.  I love this line so much that I decided to share it with all of YOU! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway