Welcome to the official blog chronicling the lives of the Royal Feather family! I launched this blog just a few weeks ago because I felt it was important for my customers to know that there is a real Mom behind Royal Feather. Someone who has experience with a newborn and now a toddler and can give real life opinions and advice. Here you will find new projects my husband and I decide to tackle, exciting new recipes I will try out, and all the adventures our son Nicholas takes us on.
My entrepreneurial adventure, Royal Feather, came about after my son was born in December 2010. As I was preparing for my baby shower and creating my registry, I was finding that I really wasn't loving what my local big box retailers had available to me. After countless nights scouring the internet for the "best" and "most recommended" car seat, stroller, baby monitor, bottles - you name it! - I eventually had a pretty big list of my personal favorites. At the time, I didn't have any close friends or family members that were having babies to share this newfound information with, but shortly after, it was is if babies were popping out everywhere! I felt great being able to help others find unique and most importantly, functional newborn and toddler necessities. It was then that the epiphany came to me to share, with moms (and dads) everywhere, my passion for simple yet functional products that don't lack quality or sacrifice design.
Everything you see at Royal Feather is hand-selected by me with only the consumer in mind. My thought process while I'm selecting merchandise goes a little something like this: "is this special and/or unique?", "will this item last more than a few uses?", and "is this item useful?". As a shopper of Royal Feather, be expected to only find a high-quality and unique product assortment. It was imperative for me to create a shop with a scaled-down selection in order to avoid "merchandise overload" and for our selection to contain multi-functional products with longevity.
Lastly, not only is establishing this boutique a dream come true, but the significance of its name is near and dear to my heart. For those of you out there who were fortunate enough to have known my Father, you know a feather in his cowboy hat was his signature look. So when it came down to creating the perfect name for the boutique, Royal Feather was the best way to honor this amazing man.
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