Oh my goodness!! We are halfway through September...where have the days gone?! Nicholas started Preschool two weeks ago and I somehow have less time to get work done than when he was at home. I miss my late nights where I could blog and stay connected. Oh well, Nick is doing wonderfully at school so if going to bed early is what it takes to get him there on time, so be it. Our little boy comes first and I'll continue to try and squeeze in time when I can to get all my thoughts/projects/recipes out to all of you :) But for now, I'm currently...
Loving: although it's still pretty hot outside I have been excited to see all the signs of Fall in stores and was anxious to do some decorating at home. We don't have a mantel that I can decorate seasonally so my entryway is my next-best-thing. I'm absolutely loving my Pottery Barn-inspired decor!

Reading: I used to have this obsession with all things fashion. I easily knew what new trend could be paired with something classic and what trends needed to be avoided all together. Putting an outfit together from head to toe was once so effortless. But then came baby and life as a stay-at-home mom and all my fashion sense went right out the window! With some new and exciting changes coming my way {you'll read more about them in a bit}, I'm struggling to find solutions in a sea of clothing racks; it's a world that seems so foreign to me now. In order to find my way back to my old self, I recently picked up practically every fashion mag on newstands right now promising me "easy Fall hair & makeup", "your most stylish Fall ever", and "125 cute outfit ideas & easy styling tricks." Let's hope I find what I'm looking for!
Watching: Glee is back and that's a sign that Fall TV is just around the corner!! Shows I'm anticipating the most are Revenge, CSI Las Vegas, Modern Family, and Law & Order SVU. Grey's Anatomy was always a big show for me as well but I'm really disappointed that so many of the main characters have left the show. I'm not sure how much I'll watch this season.
Thinking about: my 10 year high school reunion. Yup, TEN YEARS! Talk about feeling old. As a former class officer I've been helping with some of the planning and with only two weeks until the Homecoming football game, it's all coming up fast. The funny thing about reunions {for me at least and this is all just my personal opinion} is that I really don't see the point of them since the inception of Facebook. Facebook is my high school and college reunion. Everything and everyone you've ever met and known is on there. You can read and see all about what former classmates have done since you've last seen them and what they're up to today. But for the sake of tradition, I'll be there cheering on my Alma Matter.
Anticipating: a new chapter in our lives. It's funny how once you go through change it is then when you realize how quickly time goes by. After Nicholas was born it was so difficult for me to imagine him any bigger than the little baby that fit so snuggly in my arms. Now as he's approaching 2 years old I can't believe how impossibly quick these past 20 months have flown by.
Wishing: for a day to sleep in again. Sleeping in was such a beautiful thing when Nicholas stayed home. We didn't worry about bedtimes or nap times because we just hung out and ran errands together throughout the week. We were really laid back and didn't have a strict schedule. But now, all that has changed. But it's a good change and I'm completely grateful. Nicholas has adapted quickly to school and the positive feedback we get on his daily report cards reassure us that we made the right decision. He's learning so much and getting to play and socialize with other children his age. It's a beautiful thing to see our baby grow. We wish for a wonderful life for him and will give him all the nurturing, love, and guidance we can to ensure that.

Making me happy: life. I have so many things to be grateful for and particularly right now because we've had such great opportunities present themselves. After talking it over with Jacob for quite some time, I made the decision to go back to work full-time and not only was I offered a job, - I was offered TWO jobs. I don't have an official start date so until then I'll continue to get my house as organized as possible...since I'm pretty sure that's how we'll all be able to stay on track. I'm excited and anxious for my new opportunity and look forward to new challenges. Don't get me wrong, Royal Feather will continue to be my passion professionally so please continue to shop and visit the website, but it might become part-time for now - until we decide for baby #2 :)
Thank you all for stopping by!
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