Last weekend, my Mom, Nicholas, and I traveled to Austin for a a little 4-day trip to visit family. Nicholas has always done well in the car, whether it's short drives around town or much longer trips. But I'm still always weary, fearing that this time is going to be the time he will have a major meltdown and I'll need to turn the car around and just come home. But luckily for us, we can mark this trip as another success.
Day 1 got off to a late start, not surprising since I hate packing and always leave it to the last minute (as in the morning of). My Mom laughs at me and questions how I did it when I was in college and would come home for the weekends. But it was much easier then. I would literally just make sure I had the bare necessities - toothbrush, contact lenses & solution, glasses, makeup bag, & a change of clothes. If I forgot anything, my backup closet at my parents' house would surely have something in case of an emergency. But now with Nicholas, my packing list is more like - snacks, toys/books, baby shampoo, toothbrush & toothpaste, diapers, wipes, Desitin, pajamas, clothes, extra changes of clothes for emergencies, pillow, pack & play, crib/lullaby toys, baby monitor, and you can't forget those "what if" items like a thermometer, ibuprofen, bug spray, sunblock, and the list goes on and on. Finally, we were on the road by about 2pm and were in Austin by 8pm and that's including a few pit stops. I was pretty happy with our timing.
Days 2 and 3 consisted of making our rounds catching up and visiting family. Because Austin is my old college town and ex-home of 5 years, I love to go back and try to squeeze in as many new places to see as possible. Although I usually come back home with a list of quite a few places I wasn't able to fit in, I always tell myself that there will be a "next time."
Day 4 came pretty quickly and I was sad to go but anxious to get back home to Jacob and to see all the progress he had made on the pergola (updated pictures below!). After I made some "urgent" stops {Kendra Scott & Buy Buy Baby} we were back on the road at about 2pm again. Nicholas and I are grateful to have had such a wonderful time! We were able to get a lot done and manage to do it all with zero-stress which was fantastic!!
1. Nick already digging into his Plum Organics snacks about 1hr into the trip 2. Pit stop at Whataburger 3. We made it!
My nephew Gabriel all dressed and ready for his baptism |
Top photo: my Mom, sisters, brother-in-law, Gabriel, and my nieces. Nicholas was very excited for Gabriel and gave him a "high-5" |
1. We just had to get some milkshakes from EZ's on our second night 2. Great view of the Capitol |
Nicholas was my lunch date at Jo's downtown in the 2nd Street District. LOVE their Tuna Melt :) |
Nick's Austin Children's Museum adventure with cousin Gabriel |
Clearly the museum wore him out! We barely had gotten out of the parking garage and Nick was already passed out! |
1. Continuing our day at IKEA shopping for Nick's playroom 2. Of course I had to indulge my sweet tooth with the always delicious Tiff's Treats 3. Nick was finally out for the night |
1. I couldn't leave Austin without stopping at Kendra Scott. That place is dangerous!! 2. Food trailers on South Congress. Too bad they weren't open for lunch yet |
I gave Nick a little tour of my alma matter St. Edward's on our way out of town |
1. Nick debating what to eat for lunch at Chuy's 2. Back at home, Nick trying out his new circus tent...another fab find at IKEA :) |
Thanks for a great weekend friends and family! Hope to see you again soon!
Pergola update:
It's almost done!! Jacob managed to squeeze in the time to paint, cut, and nail (19) 2x6 beams in the scorching heat. Amazing, right?!? Pergola looks fantastic! |
Thanks for stopping by!
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