In the past few weeks we've tried some really great recipes that I found on Pinterest. I highly recommend these great dishes if you're looking for something quick and easy to make but also pretty healthy. Enjoy the deliciousness :)
For this pasta dish, I used about 3/4 of the box of pasta but I didn't have enough sauce. If you need to make more than 4oz. of pasta, I would definitely double the sauce ingredients.
I absolutely loved this salmon recipe! I wanted seconds but I only made (1) 6oz portion for each person. This is definitely making its way into our lunch/dinner rotation.
These oatmeal recipes are amazing! My husband can have some pretty crazy work hours where his "lunch" hour becomes his "breakfast" hour. These quick and easy oatmeal options make breakfast for him so much easier. I make these the night before he has to be at work and then he'll just pop them in the microwave. Since these oatmeal recipes are made with fresh and healthy ingredients, they are better-tasting options than the boring oatmeal packets where you just add water and much less expensive than purchasing the Perfect Oatmeal at Starbucks. The 3 flavors I've been making (per my husbands request) are the Mango Almond, Blueberry Maple, and Apple Cinnamon. After trying all three, he says his favorite is the Mango Almond. I've been wanting to try the Banana Peanut Butter, but I'm not sure how the banana will taste after soaking all night long.
I can't thank Pinterest enough for all these great finds!
Thanks for stopping by :)